Saturday, January 26, 2008

Beginning of the End-I

Beginning was a beauty when it began,
Age was adolescence,
and improper was my stand.

Beginning of the end: never thought it would come,
End has begun,
Personal interest have drained all the fun.

Walk the talk was always what i did.
Interaction died,
there's a misery i always hid.

WOW became WOES,
and nobody knows.

In the end, there is nothing.
not even words.

I bring a spark to burn the boredom,
the darkness is too heavy,
when i woke my senses were numb.

Here i lie spread-eagled before you.
motionless as i lay,
I knew u would never stay....


Anonymous said...

heyyyyyyyyy Aakash.. you were doing a good job.. but why only one post..
and why are you so sad?
cheer up dude.. and yes go on expressing .. you will definitely find the solutions to everything around and the brighter side of life will reveal itself to you soon!

Aakash shukla said...
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Unknown said...

ur poem is really good.